Monday, June 28, 2010

10 weeks and tomorrow will make 11

Abigail has a very busy social calender, from her Papa's Father's Day celebration last weekend then to this past weekend when she met the man who married her parents, Mr. Kevin Bartlett, to Aaron's bris (congratulations Wanda and Adam!), she is out and about.

She's definitely teething and not loving it no matter how much we tell her teeth will be a good thing. She's drooling, eating her hand, rubbing her eyes and ears...all signs that teeth are a'coming. It probably won't be until a few months from now, but there's something happening in there.

Pictures are coming but with our girl staying awake more and talking more, we have less time to post things. She's maturing so fast!

Happy last day to all the NYC public school teachers!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Two months and then some

It's amazing how Abigail is growing. She is, after all, a big 2 months.

She's still sleeping like a champ at night and stays up longer in the day to explore her new world. She celebrated her grandmother's birthday, she saw her Uncle Jason and Aunt Vivian's new apartment, she loves to talk to us while on her changing table (she's got a lot to say and laugh about), popping up and down on her bouncy chair is a gleeful pass-time, we strolled the Botanic Garden with friends, she has lots of tummy time where she picks her head up tall, and, is deeply loved by whomever she is with, particularly her proud parents.

And she's a cutie, but don't take our word for it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


We are ecstatic to announce that Abigail is smiling, even on the day she received 4 vaccination shots!

Here are some other important digits in her world:

10 lbs, 2 oz!

22 inches long!

At least 7 hours of consistent sleep each night (maybe 6, maybe 8 sometimes)!

Saw 2 walruses at the aquarium (okay, her parents saw them, she slept through that visit)!

20 pictures in her latest album

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

7th Week

We're trying to decide if things are getting easier, like lots of parents have told us should be happening around this week.

Now, she is smiling more and even sleeping more, but for some reason we're not any less tired.

There are moments of panic that she's not eating enough, she's sleeping too much (could she be sick?!), she cries for longer periods of time, she's fussy about eating from a bottle and when she's up she demands attention.

So, while it's not getting easier in our eyes, she is growing and forming into quite a person. And those little moments where she smiles and dare we say it, laughs, are heart-warming and -melting all at once. Our little bundle has us in a bundle of emotions.

Easier, no. Worth it, yes.

Enjoy some pics.

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