Friday, October 29, 2010

Daphne's in a Halloween Contest

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who voted. Daphne came in 3rd Place with 85 votes, AND made a few new friends along the way.
Okay, so a little diversion from Abigail for just a moment. After all, our blog is about all of our lives. SO, Daphne's in a Halloween Costume Contest through the Animal Medical Center. If you're on Facebook, then you can vote for her...And, we've made it easy.

First, LIKE the Animal Medical Center
Second, Click on Daphne's Photo below and then LIKE it on Facebook.

That's all there is to it. And, Daphne can win $50 off of her next visit, and we'll win $250.

Yay Daphne! And, thanks for voting for our Top Banana.

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