We first spent some time in Hollywood with Nicole and her very wonderful dog Diggy. Abigail didn't quite get the whole time change thing and woke up the first few mornings at 2 or 3:30--she was just excited to start her vacation. Begrudgingly-bleary-eyed, we did too.
Though we did have a wonderful time exploring all the sights and sounds that Disneyland had to offer, it was watching Abigail walk back into our home that made it all worth it. She was in awe of seeing a monkey that hangs on our wall still there, she was thrilled to see all her old toys and took a stroll around the house saying, "da, do, da" pointing at everything with such glee.
Yay for vacations, double yay for the familiar.
Oh, something really cute: both of us heard Abigail saying, "buffalo," again and again. We couldn't figure out why this was now in her vocabulary. She saw a buffalo in books and possibly at the Bronx Zoo but, really, why would she be saying it again and again. Then Jonathan realized: she saying "babbaloo." (which we mentioned in a past post she loves to do on her belly, drum or anywhere else she can pound!)