Our little one year old has been living it up! We've had two birthday shin-digs and Passover! And if that weren't enough...

She ate her birthday cake (so-so), mashed potatoes (yum!), beets (yum, yum!), matzah (uh-huh), peanut butter (pass-for now), and she's been swimming, splashing and laughing up a storm in the big tub. No longer a little, ity-bity sink tub, but the real deal bathroom tub. She has a glorious time each night laying back and letting her hair float while she moves her head from side to side. Never has a better time been had!
She's now been riding on top of mama and papa's shoulders in a new back pack carrier--none of us are quite sure how we feel about it. It's a new experience for sure.
She loves twiddling her fingers in front of her face--it's like she's been wearing mittens this whole time and now she sees the individualized digits.
We've gone out to eat at a couple of restaurants that have had crayons to color with. While Abigail likes to hold them and put them in her mouth, she also happens to think that when papa or mama make big swirls or lines, showing her how to use a crayon, she thinks it's hilarious that such a thing could happen.
She loves when someone holds her hands above her head and together walk around. She is thrilled her body can do this. She also pushes off a wall and stands for long periods of time; the time increases each and every day. Today she even pushed herself up from a sitting position to stand for about 20 seconds! When she sat down again, she definitely had a proud look on her face.
There's so much to be excited about!