Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Abigail Ettinger, Artist

Now on exhibit on Abigail's bedroom wall.  Original drawing by the young Brooklyn artist, Abigail Ettinger - mixed colored crayons on yellow construction paper.

Abigail seems very proud of her latest creation.  Jonathan held down the paper while Abigail chose each crayon to draw with, one by one, or sometimes five by five.  The drawing was finished when Abigail raised her arms and said "Done."

She loves to see her original creation hanging on her wall, and today placed another drawing on the shelf beneath this one while proudly looking up at this drawing.  We're pretty proud too!

Quite good for an 18-month old.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

We've had quite the roller coaster ride since we last posted.  Amanda is back at school teaching Kindergarten, Jonathan is home watching our girl.  Our lives were tossed up in the air and rearranged into a new normal.  Then, Amanda's Grandma passed away, something we did not expect to happen as rapidly as it did, and we had to change yet again.  Her death is a huge loss to our family but, of course, life goes on.  Grandma's spirit lives on.  Always.

Abigail continues to amaze us everyday.  Today she pointed to and said, "tooshie."  She knows where her tooshie is!  She likes to read along to books she loves.  Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? is one of her favorites.  She says buzz, buzz; she ticks and tocks like a clock, and hoos like an owl.  There's another book too, Moo, Baa, La, La, La, that she will quote from all day long.  If you hear her saying, "lalala," she wants you to continue with rest of the story which is "No, no, you say that isn't right.  The pigs say day oink all day and night."  Then she looks very pleased with herself.

Here's a video of her running at the Botanic Garden...afternoon out with Papa. 

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