We're deciding right now on what kind of tree we are going adopt. Some friends decided to give us a tree for a wedding gift and today we went around Prospect Park in search of White Oaks, which are just gorgeously tall and strong, but we may possibly get a catalpa tree instead. The location of the catalpa tree is just as you're entering from Grand Army Plaza and it has interesting pods hanging from it (Indian beans) and heart shaped leaves. It's a medium sized tree as compared to an Oak and this particular catalpa has an old wound that the tree itself is healing and growing over. The idea that it's gone through a rough patch and continues to thrive is appealing. But the beauty of the White Oak still makes it a strong contender.
Whichever tree we do choose though, we're going to have a tree celebration and a jubilee to recognize half a year as Mr. and Mrs. E on June 1st. So, mark your calendars for a picnic in the park!
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