Abigail's first word is MILK! She has consistently signed the word milk while drinking from a bottle and even has asked for it when she was acting a bit fussy. The milk sign looks like squeezing udders.
She's also recognizing her name! It's so amazing to see her look toward you after saying, "Abigail." She also recognizes when the door opens in her room--she looks toward it and greets you with a grin (lights us up everytime).
She's got a tooth! (really this time) It's on the bottom, right, center. Drool and lots of gum rubbing have ensued, but really happy all the same.
She no longer minds (much) to have her face wiped clean. This is fantastic news! Whenever we wiped her face after it was covered with whatever it was she was eating, she would complain as if the world was coming to an end. But now, like a champ, we can, wipe, wipe, wipe! Which brings us to things she likes to do for herself. Wipe her tray clean and feed herself. She likes to take the spoon away from the feeder, or guide their hand into her mouth. So independent!
She just recently again started to look at the pictures of a book. She used to do this all the time as an infant, but then she decided chewing on books was better than looking or hearing a story and now she's back to sitting back and enjoy its words and pictures. She also likes to climb up onto the bookshelves and hold herself up--she's so strong!
She went to her first, 1st birthday party of a friend. It's such a joy to see her with other children--she reaches for them, smiles and laughs. Which is basically what she does a good portion of most days.
And it's hard to believe but, tomorrow she will be in our lives for 8 months!
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