Wednesday, November 28, 2007

We're counting down the hours now

A couple of people have a wedding count down to the second, Jonathan being one of those people. Lady o' Laughter too. It is VERY close to the big day and it's remarkable how time passes by so quickly. The week has been a blur of final touches, biting nails, and sheer exuberance.

Amanda has stayed in contact with her fellow writers from the Iowa Writer's Festival and it was her month to decide what the group would write about. The word she chose for them to write about was ELATION!

Jonathan's friends from work took out both of us to a great tapas place called Salud! It's wonderful to know Jonathan is surrounded by such loving, warm spirits at work. Thank you to all the ladies and gentleman who shared a meal with us!

Amanda's class and their parents will celebrate with us tomorrow morning for a pre-wedding Celebration! When Amanda asked her kids what celebration means they said: "cake, costumes, presents and...a pinata." Hmmmm, that's a good idea!

Keep your fingers crossed that we're both going to be in good health the day of. Sniffles and aches have cropped up here and there.

We read through our ceremony with Kevin and we feel completely confident that this will indeed be OUR ceremony, done in our quirky way. We look forward to seeing you VERY soon!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Signing on the dotted line

We're really doing it! We have our marriage license!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Best is Still Yet to Come

Jonathan here: Okay, so we're in the home stretch. Only 16 more days until the big day. I'm told that Amanda's final fitting is this Friday. I still have no idea what her dress looks like and having received too many conflicting descriptions from the Lady of Laughter I am unable to form any clear picture in my head. While the temptation is certainly there to hack Amanda's email and find pictures, I honestly can't wait to see her on our wedding day.

Meanwhile the ladies in my office have all insisted upon taking me out for snacks and drinks next Wednesday. Very sweet.

Just about everyone has returned their response cards, and we are so glad that so many friends and family are able to join us on our wedding day.

Did I mention that it's only 16 more days? I can hardly wait.

Amanda here: The ladies at my work place gave me a "Yay you're getting married party." It was lovely. Thank you to them!

Also we want to send a big thank you to the Lady of Laughter for taking pictures of us this past weekend. We had a whirl wind tour of Brooklyn! You'll see those pictures on the big day!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Marathon Day

Yesterday, at 26 days to go, we watched a 26 mile race...somehow fitting. Even as a bystander, the New York Marathon is an amazing thing to be even a small part of. Standing at mile 8, outside the Atlantic Center train station, thousands of runners passed by as we cheered. Most of the marathoners wear their names on their shirts, so we can encourage them as they run. As we called their names, "Way to go Jimbo, Katie, Pablo, Stan, Melissa...," they thanked us by smiling, waving, or just simply running by. Anyone who knows Amanda knows that they definitely heard us.

So, we just wanted to thank all of our friends and family for their encouragement since we announced our engagement this past June, and as we run through the next 26 days ahead. Our next marathon starts at Bubby's on December 1st and the course for this one passes through far more than the five boroughs of New York City and has no specific finish line. We can't wait to begin this journey, surrounded by our friends and family to cheer us on.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Food Glorious Food...and Pie!

Last night's dinner was a preview. This was our official tasting of the food at Bubby's. While we're not going to give the full menu away, needless to say, there was PIE. Key Lime is Jonathan's favorite but Amanda and Eve seemed partial to the Peanut Butter Chocolate pie. Is your mouth watering yet?

After the tasting we stood where our wedding ceremony will be, a short 28 days from today. It seems like we're in the home stretch, and we're very excited.

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