Thursday, June 23, 2011


We have a full time walker now. Or, should we say, a full fledged ToDdLeR. She's all over the place. She meanders in her step and gait, in her direction and her outlook on life. She could walk straight but why would she?! It's fantastic to watch. Particularly because she looks so pleased with herself.

She loves flowers. Loves them. We are so lucky to live a place where anywhere you look, you're going to find them. Plus we live by the Botanic Garden which we just visited today (we do at least once a week) and her interest turned to the big boulders and rocks around the garden. We turned them into drums and she had the biggest giggle while doing so. The water fountain in the Discovery Garden was pretty hysterical too. She thought it was so funny to drink from the stream.

She's growing into one terrific little girl.

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