Thursday, September 4, 2014

A beginning

Abigail, I'm about to pick you up from your first day of Pre-K.  Like on any typical walk we've had this summer, you wanted to see how old cars were parked on the street.  So I checked the little registration sticker and we saw cars from 1988, "wow 26 years old is old!" and some that were from 2012, "That's a youngin'."  But this was no typical walk.  This was a big, leaping, laborious walk to the unknown.  You were scared to meet new people and had convinced yourself "school was no fun."  You did not want your picture taken.  And no matter how hard I tried to put a positive spin on things, you had a quick response of how horrible it all would be.  You cried when I walked out the door (and three paces out the door, I cried too) but you had bravely waved "good-bye" and went with your smiling teacher to explore some part of your new classroom.  Because you are one amazing explorer.  And adventurer.  And experimenter.  And you love life, even when it's new, scary territory.

So at pick-up it was no big surprise, but still much relief, when you walked out the door on your own to say, "I was having so much fun I didn't want to leave!"  That's my girl.  (We'll see if you remember saying that tomorrow morning.)

There was a moment before I left when you were worried you would never see me again and you promised to draw a picture of me.  You handed it to me at the end of the day with a smile:

It's fantastic!

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