Wednesday, February 23, 2011

If You're Happy and You Know It...

Abigail just started clapping yesterday. And (rightfully) feels it is necessary to clap her hands if you start singing the famous jingle to her:
She also loves saying, "uh-oh" when she drops food or, just because it's fun to say.

But she may love eating macaroni and cheese more than saying, "uh-oh." Maybe.

Abigail has had a huge growth burst. She stands leaning her belly, not her hands, against things; she even will stand not holding onto anything for about half a second. But we know she's testing to see what her body can do. And her gestures--like waving to people when entering an elevator or laughing as a form of entertainment for herself, she's just bigger, and, dare we say, less baby-like and more child-like. Hard to believe but true.

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