Friday, May 6, 2011

A Budding Independence

Our little lady loves to dance, especially to Michael Jackson and The Jackson Five. But she keeps to her own rhythm too, even when there's no music. She bounced up and down when we put her on a bouncy horse at the Underhill Playground. She was pushed on a tricycle too--she loved it!

She's also trying to do many things for herself. While on her changing table she reached for her shoe and tried to put it on her foot, she maneuvers her walker now to get it out of the way of any obstructions and can pull herself into a standing position on a stool that stands in front of her crib.

She recognizes and anticipates the page in the book, Spring is Here, that has a dog on it. She points to it saying, "da!"

She likes to leans in for Eskimo kisses--which she thinks are hysterical.

She visited Mama's school and was the belle of the ball. She walked up and down the halls (holding Mama's hands), entering classrooms, saying hello to the students, she's ready for school already. (not yet little lady!)

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